Local Event Calendar

CLICK HERE for our 2023 Local Event Calendar

The calendar is researched and created by WNRDC volunteers to provide a centralized place for many of the equestrian events, recognized and unrecognized, taking place in our area (AREA COVERED).

At the beginning of each year, an e-mail is sent to previous contributors for their event dates and a deadline is given for submission of events. We add updates for later entries on this page, rather than in the main calendar.

The WNRDC membership is multi-disciplined. We strive to provide educational clinics and discussions that span all interests and disciplines.

Submit Your Event Online

There are two ways to submit your events: Online or by Email (excel or word formats). Please note that 2023 submissions received after February 7, 2023 will be treated as a late addition.

ONLINE: fill out the form below. Any questions about submitting events please feel free to email. Please send any posters for posting on WNRDC Facebook to Catherine Marrone in jpg format. Thank you.

WNRDC Equine Events Calendar
We have posted events in the calendar previously and are submitting new dates. *
We are changing contact information of previously submitted event. *
We are changing date or other element of previously submitted event. *

EMAIL:  download one of the forms below and email to: [email protected]